Leveraging Data for the Strategic Preservation of Affordable Housing
At a Steep Premium
The Case for Innovation in Housing: How Local Governments Can Drive Solutions
Public Hearing: City of Yes for Housing Opportunity Testimony
California’s Homekey Program: Innovation to Address Homelessness and Community Health at the Beginning of a Pandemic
Colorado's Right of First Refusal Law: Understanding Intent & Implementation
This brief details how the right of first refusal works, including properties subject to the new law, local government flexibility, and timelines and requirements.
Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Request and Appropriations Chart
Administration and Congress Spending Proposals for Fiscal Year 2025.
Making It Happen Issue Brief Series
“Making it Happen” is a series of issue briefs that explore recent successes in scaling affordable housing innovations by addressing regulatory and financing barriers to these innovations.
Making it Happen: Scaling Off-site Construction
This issue brief, the second in a series, focuses on opportunities to scale affordable housing innovations. Enterprise highlights regulatory reforms that would make it easier to leverage off-site construction and opportunities to tailor financing products to its unique needs.
New York City Planning Commission Hearing Testimony
Baaba Halm, vice president and market leader for Enterprise New York, gives testimony at the New York City Planning Commission Hearing: City of Yes for Housing Opportunity.