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Gentrification Definitions and Racial Change: Considering the Evidence

May 1, 2020
Cities are not homogeneous by race and ethnicity, however, with some neighborhoods still majority non-Hispanic white. Nor are changes within these neighborhoods consistent; for example, those that have experienced gentrification – or the in-migration of higher-income households into traditionally low-income communities – likely have different patterns of racial change than non-gentrified neighborhoods, given inequalities in income distributions across households by race and ethnicity.


Gentrification: Framing Our Perceptions

October 9, 2018
This paper is the first in a series that looks at gentrification and its implications for policymaking. It highlights the importance of measurement to framing our perceptions about gentrification and its consequences. Subsequent papers will demonstrate the extent of overlap between different measures, and the intersections of gentrification and education policy decisions.