Join Enterprise’s Tribal Nations and Rural team for this valuable inventory of available resources. This webinar includes an approach to partnership, updates on current opportunities with Enterprise, and federal policy updates.
The Enterprise Rural and Native American Program team has developed a series of no-cost training and peer-learning sessions designed to help rural housing providers and nonprofits acquire and preserve USDA Rural Development, HUD 811 and 202, Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and other subsidized and affordable housing.
Lessons learned from recent efforts in three Bay Area jurisdictions to distill best practices for designing and implementing local acquisition-rehab preservation programs. It includes case studies that illustrate the impacts acquisition-rehab efforts have had on communities, profiles of recent financing initiatives aimed at supporting this work, and an analysis of development costs for a sample of properties recently acquired by nonprofit stewards.
This white paper explores where the use of off-site construction techniques can boost the creation of subsidized housing and create cost savings for market-rate developers, which can help expand the supply of homes and ultimately enable homeowners and tenants to benefit from these benefits by lowering their housing costs, and what kinds of changes to the regulatory and financing systems could scale the use of off-site construction.
The Gentrification Comparison Tool maps neighborhoods in 93 U.S. cities over four decades by their gentrification status under three different definitions.
An overview of key challenges, best practices and case studies in SRO preservation as it relates to supportive services and operations, policy and finance, as well as design and construction.