To understand the region’s capacity to meet its affordable housing goals, the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority worked in partnership with Enterprise and the area's affordable housing sector to update their database of affordable housing in predevelopment. This database, the Bay Area Affordable Housing Pipeline, inventories developments across the region that have yet to start construction.

There are currently 433 affordable housing developments in the pipeline across the nine-county Bay Area — stalled in the predevelopment stage because additional funding is needed to build. These developments would provide nearly 41,000 new affordable homes to low-income families and individuals. The pipeline is a testament to the ongoing effort of affordable housing developers and localities to meet the region's needs for more than 180,000 affordable homes.

The proposed $20 billion regional bond measure ballot would raise significant revenue for affordable housing, be a significant step toward meeting housing goals, and ensure that the Bay Area can be a home for all.

Originally Published
May 2, 2024
Ruben Anguiano, Bay Area Housing Finance Authority
Resource Type
  • Report