About community land trusts

Community land trusts are non-profit organizations that acquire housing and land to ensure they remain permanently affordable. Community members and other public representatives govern land trusts.

Community land trusts can be found across the country and take on different forms. The model is flexible and intended to allow for adaptation to best serve a community’s unique needs. There are many examples of community land trusts building resiliency for communities before and after a disaster, giving people with low incomes a safe place to call home. 

Impact on frontline communities

The existing models of delivering affordable housing in the United States have left many places with a housing crisis. This crisis has been particularly pronounced for Black, Indigenous, and other people of color in addition to low-income communities. Community land trusts are one model of delivering critical, affordable housing and ensuring that it remains in community control.  

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Originally Published
March 8, 2024
Enterprise Community Partners
Impact Areas
Resource Type
  • Training