Bay Area Affordable Housing Pipeline | February 2023

Unlocking New Affordable Homes in the Bay Area

The Bay Area has one of the most robust and sophisticated affordable housing sectors in the country. Affordable housing developers, community development corporations, community land trusts, public housing authorities, and other public sector and finance partners work together to help meet the growing affordable housing need.

With these partners and the new Bay Area Housing Finance Authority, Enterprise created a first-of-its-kind database of the region’s forthcoming affordable housing. This database, the Bay Area Affordable Housing Pipeline, inventories affordable housing across the region that is in various stages of predevelopment. Predevelopment ranges from early-stage planning, to entitlements, to permitting, to securing all necessary financing.

The pipeline illustrates the enormous progress that the affordable housing sector has made in identifying sites and completing the necessary planning, community engagement, and design for more affordable homes. It also highlights that significant resources are needed at the state, regional, and local levels to move these affordable homes from predevelopment to construction to occupancy. Overcoming resources challenges is critical to putting the Bay Area on track to meet the region’s needs for quality, affordable homes.

February 9, 2023
  • Northern California
Impact Areas
  • Preservation and Production
  • Policy