Millions of households and communities are exposed to natural hazards and related climate risks across the nation. Some households are more vulnerable than others considering economic realities and preparedness of their homes and community infrastructure. It is critical that owners and operators of affordable housing understand their exposure so they can determine their highest risk properties and protect the households living in their buildings from the range of risks.

The Enterprise Portfolio Protectsm Tool helps owners, operators and developers of affordable housing understand which properties are at highest risk from flooding, fire, earthquakes and other natural hazards. This tool offers users the ability to identify highest risk properties and offers recommendations and resources to help minimize potential harm to your property or properties and keep residents’ homes safe. Read the user guide.

Disclaimer: Currently there are no data sources available for U.S. territories  


Risk score definitions:

How to use the Portfolio Protect tool:

Hazard Risk Score
Each hazard was assigned a risk score based on internal categories found in each hazard’s data source. The lower the number, the lower the risk. A score of zero or N/A means that hazard does not exist or there was no available data for your location.

Location Risk Score
Learn more about the location risk score methodology.

The data sources used in this tool are listed within the description of each hazard and are the best available national resources as of June 2022. However, the scores here will not reflect all local nuance in vulnerability, and, U.S. territories are not recognized by every source. Use these scores as a starting point to understand general risk of one property in relation to another. Feel free to explore each property’s individual hazard scores in more detail and consider local and recent community experiences as you evaluate vulnerability.

  1. Look up an address and get instant feedback on locations within the US.
  2. Or, click the link to enter or paste multiple addresses, one address per line, and submit them for evaluation with the Process Addresses button.
  3. The national risk score ranges from 0-30, the lower the number, the lower the risk. Once you have your set of scores for each property, identify the property with the highest risk score in your prioritization of mitigation and resilience investment in that property.
  4. Click the View Results button by each location to view hazard and vulnerability scores.
  5. Click on each vulnerability and hazard to learn further details, recommendations for action, and to access links to resources and reference information.

View the user guide here.